Our founder, Sean, talks to Accountancy Age about taking Stock: ‘SR Toomer – a firm you won’t forget in a hurry’.
You can check the article out here too.
TS’s INITIAL REACTION was one of shock. Open-mouthed shock.
This was when introduced to the website of up-and-coming accountants SR Toomer & Co.
Referring to the client satisfaction they give as “100% Guaran-damn-teed”, they’re certainly not a bunch of baby-boomers offering the bog-standard way of doing things.
The shock really came when clicking through the three profiles of the firm’s self-styled “Dream Team”.
Ben Steele, for example, is described on the site as a “Sh*t Hot Accountant” who does the “boring stuff [clients] don’t want to”. Sean Toomer, the founder of the firm, is described as the “Cristiano Ronaldo of accountancy”.
The chaps also don’t look old enough to have left school. Maybe it’s the south coast air, what with the firm being based in Eastleigh. Toomer set up the firm in 2010.
But fair play to them. They’ve got a good wodge of client testimonials on the site. TS will follow their progress with interest…
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